Nike — COPA Realtime
Creative direction and design of pitch concepts for Nike's real time social media content for the COPA / EURO games. Produced at The Mill Chicago.
Tear a new one — Photocopies of photocopies of players duplicated and inflated to larger than life, heroic proportions then distorted with the 0 to 60 mph snap of velocity of a penalty kick ball. Replayed back and forth, over and over to rub it in. Ball speed and arc data spelled out in type that pops on and jitters in place in skitzophrenic staccato. Images tear away like wheat pasted posters that line the urban streets leading fans to the pitch.
The Clash — Choppy, lo-fi, irreverent mash up connected by boot referenced color palettes bathing it all in electric color. Retina singing neon generative data visualizations. Bold and loud meme-ish, frills free, no nonsense typography. Pixel stretching, raw glitch and 80’s TV noise that could care less about destructing the picture.